Conservation Easement Maintenance
Trash Removal: Removal of household debris, (anything that will fit into a contractor garbage bag). Removal of trash is necessary in order to insure that the easement maintains compliance with the communities Environmental Resource Permit. This is considered routine maintenance and is consistently mentioned in non-compliance cases Herbicide Treatment: Herbicide treatment (Targeting all Class 1 and Class 2 Nuisance/Exotic Plant Species Defined y FLEPPC). Herbicide Treatment is necessary in order to insure that excessive nuisance/exotic vegetation levels in the easement are maintained in order to achieve permit compliance with provisions of the communities Environmental Resource Permit. Permit Compliance: File Review to establish the permit holders custodial maintenance responsibilities of conservation easement.
Encroachments: Illegal encroachments into the easement can consists of, land clearing, building structures, illegal plantings, ETC. These types of encroachments can cause a Notice of Violation and or non- compliance with the conditions of the Environmental Resource Permit. Addressing Permit Non-Compliance Cases and Notice of Violations from Regulatory Agencies: We work closely with regulatory agencies in order to establish a plan of action to resolve complex Notice of Violations and Non-Compliance Cases regarding Environmental Resource Permits. As your Environmental Consultant we will deal directly with the regulatory agenncy on your behalf