ADA Compliance
Title 3 of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) of 1990 was written to make places open to the public also accessible to the disabled. ADA sidewalk requirements are meant to assist those with disabilities to have an “accessible path” that gives them equal access to all public locations equivalent with those who are not disabled. These requirements apply to city, school and public park sidewalks as well as walkways on private property that are open to the public.
ADA sidewalk requirements primarily deal with creating a surface and slope that accommodate the disabled. This means removing any lift or gap of ¼ inch or more. It requires a slope of 1 to 12 (1 inch of rise for every 12 inches of run) and a recommends a smooth surface. ADA sidewalk requirements also require a minimum sidewalk width of 4 feet and include the use of curb ramps with landings and warnings where the sidewalk connects with roads and parking areas.
SLM employs various methods to bring our clients project back into compliance with ADA code. For lifted joints we may deploy dust controlled grinders to the site. For joints where lift is severe we will replace the slab. Prior to the replacement we make sure to remove any tree roots and if possible install tree root barriers.
Start your journey towards an improved ADA compliant community or business by getting a sidewalk inspection today.